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Promissory Note - Interest


Interest $ [Interst of the note] Date: [Date of the note]

FOR VALUE AND CONSIDERATIONS RECEIVED [I/We], [Name of the Borrower] [Borrower], personally guarantee to pay to the order of [Name of the Lender] [Lender] the sum of [Amount of the installment in letters] $[Amount of the installment in numbers], per month which includes the principle payment of [Principle amount of the installment in letters] dollars $ [Principle amount of the installment in numbers] and interest payment of [Interest amount of the installment in letters] dollars $[Interest amount of the installment in numbers] for a period of [Number of periods for the installments] months. The interest is set at the rate of [Interest on the note in letters] percent [Interest on the note in numbers] % per year. The terms of payment shall be as follows:
[Terms of payment]

Furthermore, all payments shall be due and payable on the [Day of the month payments are due] day of each month. This note shall be due in full on or before [Date total amount of the note is due]

Signed this [Date the note was signed].

Borrower Borrower

Witness Seal